If not for the fact that I know she is a woman, reading this book by G.A. Hauser I would suspect on her... never as before women have a very bad role; luckily in the end a couple of mid forty representative of my sex save us for the posterity.
Brodie is a 28 years old guy with a very bad taste in women. He has a past history of dating bimbos, the last of whom has dumped him the very day on which they have to go on cruise; worst, she feigned to go on board, only to run away at last minute leaving him trapped on the ship alone. After a first moment of rage, Brodie thinks better on his situation and realizes that maybe he is not so afraid; actually this last bad experience is only one more proof that he is not really interested in women... and maybe the fact that his best friend is gay (little clue) and that he can get excite only thinking to men (very big clue) can push him to try something different...
The first night he meets Julian, a guy almost in his same situation, but he was not so lucky as him; his girlfriend didn't left him and now she is bitching and making him miserable. A swap of glares and Brodie and Julian are soul mates and eager to find how good they can be together. There is only the little problem of Julian's girlfriend on the same ship and the fact that neither one of them had any experience with men before.
Brodie and Julian are not irreproachable characters; as in the past the caustic style of G.A. Hauser describes two men who first of all want to enjoy themselves and their life and maybe after that can consider that they live among other people and that maybe they need to consider also other people feelings. The fact that the "other" is a nasty bitch doesn't justify the fact that Julian was the first to cheat and that he never once admit his fault, on the contrary, he almost has the gut to make pass his cheating as a right reaction to his girlfriend's behavior.
So why I, that usually can't suffer a cheating man, instead liked Julian, and almost cheered when Brodie tries to convince Julian to give his girlfriend a bad time? Probably it's the total frankness in their behavior, the fact that they don't hide behind a perfect and cold facade. Actually G.A. Hauser's main characters usually are those men that in other "classical" romance take the supporting role, those men who aren't enough perfect to be the hero; they are best friend and brother, work colleague of fellow student, but never the protagonists. And in her books they take their vengeance, being leading roles without losing their faultiness.
And then there is the sex. They make out like bunnies, without any concept of boundaries or physical limits... in particular in this book, Brodie and Julian are like children with a new toy and they play till exhaustion and beyond. Is it possible? I don't know but for sure I'd like to find out!
Cruising is the second book in G.A. Hauser’s Men in Motionseries. It is connected only by theme and can stand alone.