Indulge Yourself

Books from G.A. Hauser > Equality State

Equality State

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Book: Equality State


Chapter 1

Benjamin Sawyer did a last walkthrough of his home in San Francisco, California. After fifteen years of West Coast living, he was moving back to New York.
The moving company had come and gone, the home had sold, and a long drive across the country awaited him.
Ben’s SUV was packed to the brim with items of either value or necessity. The shipping of his items was going to take up to six weeks, so he brought some basics with him.
As daylight broke in the wee hours of morning on this June day, Ben removed the house keys from his ring, left them on the kitchen counter for the new owners, and took one last look at the place.
He closed the door behind him and shook his head at the sight of his car. It was crammed with items. Some things he forgot to pack, the rest was clothing he thought he may need before the moving truck arrived at his new place. Ya know. A house he still hadn’t purchased yet. Talk about pressure!
In the early hours, birds were already singing away and zipping from tree to tree as dawn opened its hazy eyes. The clouds covered the coast most of the morning, usually burning off late in the day.
He sat behind the wheel of his car, thinking about the past when he wanted to focus on his future.
I’m so out of here.
Ben drove out of the claustrophobic neighborhood. A new block of homes was being built across the street from it where a crumbling community center had once stood. The city was so jammed with overpriced homes, the traffic and noise had become unbearable.
It was Monday morning, so he had to get out before the heavy morning rush hour hit.
Ben turned his music on, listening to tunes as he made for the highway.
The last conversation he’d had with his ex-boyfriend ran through his head.
Sorry, Ben. I’m just not ready for a committed relationship. I like playing the field.’
‘Jerry? We’ve been dating for two years! How much longer is it gonna take?’
‘I don’t know! Maybe you’re not the right man for me.’
Ben stewed. “I wasted two years of my life on you?”
Their buddies used to tease them, Ben & Jerry! A match made in heaven!
Har, har.
Why am I still so angry?
As Ben made it away from the chaos of San Fran’s core, the interstate began to open up. Once he was across the bridge, he’d have a clear path until he hit Sacramento.
The plan was to drive all day, from seven a.m. to seven p.m., then find a hotel and rest, then repeat the same scenario until he hit New York.
Everything about his life in California began to frustrate him. From the fires to the earthquakes, and most of all, the people. The gay men in this town pissed him off. Ego! Ego and selfishness that masqueraded as chic. It wasn’t chic, it was nauseating.
It was time go to.
I need a change. I can’t stand this anymore.
Ben glanced at the passenger’s seat. On it was a carryon bag with his phone charger, toiletries, power bars for snacking, and bottled water.
“Not the right man for you?” Ben passed an eighteen-wheeler and then moved back into the right lane.
When he met Jerry, in a bar, the sex! Man, the sex… the sex…
He remembered the first time.
It made him smile.
Drunk, smashed on tequila shooters, Ben flirted with Jerry. Man, he was cute. Jerry Matthews with his tight pants and muscle tee. Dude…
They caught gazes in spinning lights and the loud noise of live music. A band played in the basement of the joint.
The scent of weed was everywhere, although it was ‘non-smoking’. Whatever.
Ben gave Jerry a sexy wink, and Jerry made a move. Bam! The two of them were in the men’s room together.
Jerry was all over him, pawing at him, sucking his tongue into his mouth. They fumbled around, since they were wasted, but they managed.
Seeing Jerry kneel in front of him, exposing his dick, which was already hard, Jerry ran his fingertips over his length, making him tingle, and then enveloped it deeply into his mouth.