Thirty-five year old, African American Noah Hopkins loved his job as a nurse. He worked late nights and long hours, so that wasn’t conducive to meeting and dating. But inevitably on his shift, the paramedics from the Los Angeles Fire Department would bring in victims from accidents or illnesses to their trauma center and the female nursing staff would put out the alert. ‘Code Red’. It was a silly phrase they used when a hot fireman would be spotted in the ER. And everyone who worked at the LA Medical Center knew, fire-fighter Keegan Vance was ‘Code Red’ indeed! Noah had to tolerate the female staff circling Keegan like buzzards when he showed up, and Noah and Keegan were always friendly and professional to each other when they met. Tough, masculine, Keegan Vance was ex-army, and in a career where homophobia was rife, the LAFD, so he kept his private life private. He was not out to anyone, not even his family. Only one person knew his secret, his housemate Karen. But there was a man he kept meeting at the ER who had already captured his heart. Seeing the care and professionalism Noah used with everyone he contacted, Keegan was already smitten with the handsome nurse. But he had no idea how he was going to date him without the gossip and information getting out and making his life miserable. It was a risk Keegan would have to take if he took the leap and wanted a man in his life. A man as incredible as Noah. Both men were used to trauma and high stress on the job, thought they could handle anything. But when it came to love, it was anything but easy. It was ‘Code Red’ all the way, and the two men had to handle putting out the fire or learn to enjoy the burn. Revisit some of your favorite GA characters from the Hero Series, Happy Endings, and Living Dangerously!