Like it or not television reality shows have become a staple in American culture in the 21st Century. Our curiosity to be the 'fly-on-the-wall' and watch other people's trials and tribulations is now a huge percentage of mainstream primetime viewing.
In the reality show Got Men? six young men are selected, they assume randomly, for their participation as housemates in an isolated location in Nevada. The purpose of their stay is never revealed to them. Conrad Hogan, an unemployed construction worker begins to suspect what the ultimate goal is of the producers; Derek Dixon, Will Markham, and director Charlotte Deavers, (known for the extremely racy nighttime drama, Forever Young in the Action! Series). When Conrad realizes that he and his five handsome single housemates are being set up for a huge fall, Conrad panics and has to make decisions based on what the ubiquitous cameras and microphones will reveal. Among Conrad's housemates are Tony Spagna, the tough New York Harley Rider from the Men in Motion Series, Leather Boys, and Alfonso Garofalo, the striking tennis instructor who was involved in an illicit affair with Senator Kipp Kensington's wife, Louise, in Exposure. As well as special appearances by Keith O'Leary, Carl Bronson, and the forever delectable, Mark Antonious Richfield, who is the catalyst in the big 'reveal'.
Will Conrad, Sonny, Kelvin, Alfonso, Dean and Tony take the leap and show their families, their co-workers, their friends, the television viewers, and the World Wide Web, their deepest secrets? The producers hope so, because to them, ratings mean everything.
And as a special treat for my fans; my gift to you is the singer and actor, Chris Salvatore's cover photo. To all his fans and fans to be, please enjoy Chris' beauty as my present to you
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