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Books from G.A. Hauser > Dripping Hot

Dripping Hot

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Fallen Angel Review's Recommended Read August 2009

Book: Dripping Hot


With the Christmas party approaching, Mark Richfield is trying to cope with the pressure of the holidays, his out of control son, Alex, and too many men involved in his life to keep his sanity intact. It seems the popular idea at Parsons and Company is to have Mark play Santa Claus at the office gala. His latest ad for cologne has all of LA buzzing as his image hit all the billboards on Santa Monica Boulevard and the Sunset Strip; a half naked sexpot, Mark Antonious is exposed to entice the masses, not to mention the gay men in his office.

Trying to come to terms with Alexander becoming independent and keeping the attraction between Steve and Alex under careful scrutiny, Mark, as usual, comes apart at the seams.

When Alex goes missing during an event of the battle of the bands where Alex’ s lover, Oliver Loveday, and his musical group are playing near the Rose Bowl stadium, Mark nearly has a nervous breakdown until a group of heroes comes to his aid.

The lifeguards from Man to Man, the firemen from Two in Two out, LAPD’ s finest officers from Top Men and Sergeant Billy Sharpe, and his partner Angel Loveday, and even the stars of Forever Young, Keith O’ Leary and Carl Bronson, are on the scene to find the missing teenager.

Meanwhile Steve is fighting his own internal battles as his father and mother become aware that he has married a man and has a son. The fact that they know about Mark and Alex terrifies Steve as he hopes his homophobic father will not harm the ones he loves.

It all occurs during the week prior to Christmas when one’ s faith and hope are tested, only to be redeemed by the greatest gift; the loyal friends you have made.