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Books from G.A. Hauser > For Love and Money

For Love and Money

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Book: For Love and Money

Dr. Jason Philips thought he lost his actor lover, Ewan Gallagher for good when he left on a plane for Hollywood and never came back to Carlisle, England. But fate reunited the couple as Ewan visits London for a movie premiere. Once again the two struggle to maintain their relationship as they are drawn to separate lifestyles and countries. But it is Jason who takes the leap across the pond to try and convince his lover to return to him and leave the nightmare of debauchery and sexual abuse behind in tinsel town and come back to the safety of his arms once more.

2 Total Reviews of This Book Ms. Hauser has created a phenomenal story about how everyone has to make decisions in their lives and how sometimes you can regret the path you choose
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Ms. Hauser jumps into the world of the Hollywood elite and gives readers a look into the lives of the stars whose lives we envy. Jason and Ewan fight for the love they have and the relationship that once was with a passion and dedication that warms your heart
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