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Books from G.A. Hauser > Equality State

Equality State

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Book: Equality State


Thirty-year-old Benjamin Sawyer decided he’d had enough of San Francisco and was headed across country to move closer to his sister and mom on the East Coast. After a turbulent relationship with Jerry Matthews, a bartender and tarot card reader, Ben decided he was through with Jerry as well, and there was no reason for him to stay in a city with a high cost of living, overcrowding, and egotistical personalities.
So? He sold his home for a huge profit, quit his job in his office, hired a moving company to ship his things, and was off for an adventure.
On his drive across the country, Ben recalls the ups and downs of his and Jerry’s lousy relationship, knowing he did the right thing, looking for a change. But the idea of living in New York near his sister, Ava, who was married with kids, and his widowed mother, whom he never got along with, didn’t exactly leave him inspired.
Then, fate had other ideas for Ben.
While driving through Rock Springs, Wyoming he hit a huge pothole that damaged his rim and blew out his tire. The delay certainly could have put a damper on his plans until Ben met Walt ‘Maverick’ Walker. The handsome cowboy worked in the tire shop where Ben had his car towed.
The two men strike up a friendship, which soon turns into a love affair which rocks them both.
As Ben continues his trip east, he realizes Maverick isn’t easy to forget, and maybe, just maybe, the two of them could take a risk and be together in the ‘Equality State’, Wyoming, and find their own happy endings!